Image by Eloisa Cartonera
haudenschildGarage, Spare Parts Presents
A Crime Has Many Stories-The shortest distance between two points is never a straight line
November 29, 2008
Buenos Aires, Argentina(阿根廷)
由Ricardo Piglia, Washington Cucurto, Roberto Jacoby, Fernanda Laguna, Rosalba Mirabella, Eloisa Haudenschild, Steve Fagin, Alejandro Ruiz, Monica Jovanovich, Judi Werthein, Sonia Becce & Eloisa Cartonera 合作的僅有一天的跨領域事件。
A Crime Has Many Stories是一精心設計過的殘屍計畫,它被放置在布宜諾艾力斯。由haudenschildGarage、Eloisa Haudenschild導演以及Spare Parts 計畫委任的剪輯Steve Fagin,根據阿根廷作家Ricardo Piglia的短篇小說La Loca y el Relato del Crimen (瘋女人的犯罪故事 ,1975)共同研討並創作的計畫。
Piglia的文本也衍伸了相關的故事:阿根廷作家Washington Cucurto的「兒子(El Hijo)」,以及Roberto Jacoby 和 Fernanda Lagunda捐獻了兩則現地製作的片段篇章,還有 Rosalba Mirabella所作的的” La Despedida Escrita en el Espejo” (葡萄牙文:再見 *屬於委內瑞拉口語"再見" ,就這般簡單。直翻的話,可以想像場面應該是早起的女郎用口紅在梳妝台鏡子塗上再見二字,而床上睡到自然醒的豬頭 ,揉揉惺忪睡眼看到這兩字,便慘叫著 " 怎麼會不告而別呢 ") 。
2008 11月29日,阿根廷製片人Alejandro Ruiz統整這橫跨多領域且僅為期一天的狂妄作品,以攝影記錄Ricardo Piglia特別為我們此事件將自己作品優雅地翻譯的影片開始,此影片將在Malba - Fundación Costantini(拉丁美洲布宜諾斯艾利斯藝術博物館)舉行首映。
我們將從Malba - Fundación Costantini的開幕宴會開始航行直到La Boca的閉幕派對為止,這條路線是Jacoby, Laguna and Mirabella規劃,這也是一場文化和飲食的移動饗宴。
我們精心設計的高潮將是haudenschildGarage委託Cucurto以其粗野又精湛短篇故事做開幕演出。Cucurto和文學團體Eloisa Cartonera將在他們為於La Boca的空間中完整地頌讀此故事。此外也和 Eloisa Cartonera 共同設計推出這整個計劃案的目錄,和限量版的「求生者手冊」,將提供給Malba觀眾以協助他們此趟旅程。而Monica Javanovich將會在haudenschildGarage的部落格上,設計「每日入口」。
The haudenschildGarage, Spare Parts Projects, conceptualized, commissioned and produced by Eloisa Haudenschild and Steve Fagin, are a renewable 3-year cycle that encourages the juxtaposition of the crucial, the trivial, and the arcane. Our current cycle of projects also includes Decolonizing Architecture in Palestine/Israel and The Last Book in the US.
The haudenschildGarage is a cultural platform that stands somewhere between a salon and an alternative space, the goal of which is to be a home away from home for cultural experimentation, play and conversation. It routinely presents symposia, lectures and film screenings to the public. Whether international projects, dialogs or commissions, the haudenschildGarage collaborates with international institutions, alternative spaces and emerging artists in a permissive context for opinion and production.