
話說Simon 和Robin Lee這來自大不列顛的兩兄弟,自小就對音樂產生高度的興趣,於是兩人就默契般的先後的展開對音樂的學習之旅。雖然他們倆在學有所成後以Faze Action名義投入電子名廠BAR DE LUNE,但新作”Broad Souls”卻採用了大量的弦樂背景及器樂演奏,舖陳出以Ambient、Trip-Hop為主淡淡哀愁的樂章。然而將這張專輯推向高峰的另一功臣則是充滿著靈魂聲韻的男歌手,如同一杯香醇略帶苦澀的黑咖啡少不了鮮奶調合般的完美組合。輕啜一口,回味無窮;一飲而盡,即忘卻所有傷痛。

《We don't know how》
We don't know how,We don't know why
All the colors of the world
We force our hand and fade in time
the folks might understand
the brand new day

Fail your hoping what you waiting for
come down,look around
this place,falling down
stay unwoken'til the early down
And you can find the morning sun

We don't know how,and We don't know why
All the colors are twisting away
the time is now and the rivers high
We don't know why ,now it's heading our way

We don't know when,We don't know where
All the colors of the world
come into their own
there's something changing in the air
All the lovers of the world
will follow you home

free your mind of all that's gone before
come down,look around
this place,so renowned
reach inside its mother nature's law
you'll running,calling free

We don't know how,and We don't know why
All the colors are twisted away
the time is now and the rivers high
We don't know why ,now it's heading our way

Fail your hoping what you waiting for
come down,look around
this place,falling down
stay unwoken'til the early down
And you can find the morning sun

We don't know how,and We don't know why
All the colors are twisting away
the time is now and the rivers high
We don't know why ,now it's heading our way


    創作者 twofh0319 的頭像

    Je m'appelle 《Elsa》

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